Mykonos (Stuart Barnes)

after Sylvia Plath’s ‘Lesbos’

In that block
Of flats. From six
A.M. you’d modernise.
I’d hammer, call you Sookie, sook.
So scared to relish bareback.
Designer duds rook
O tiny, spineless cocklebur.
O Cancerman. O castrate.
Only with Dutch
Courage you confronted—only once.
O pearl, you always knew just who I hated.
I amputated you, O saboteur.

Stuart Barnes lives in Melbourne, where he edits PASH capsule, a Facebook journal of contemporary love poetry. He’s currently working on a manuscript, Blackouts and other poems, that’s dedicated to the memory of Gwen Harwood, who encouraged the eleven-year-old him to write poetry. Poems are forthcoming in Windmills, Southerly, Blasphemy, Mascara Literary Review, & Assaracus: A Journal of Gay Poetry (USA).