Artist’s statement
‘Leave you shoes here’ is a video-poem that has gathered together images, sounds and text from both Barcelona and Australia, layering one on top of another in order to explore the experience of living between places. The two places — the memories, experiences, people, are never entirely separated from one another, rather, they become an enmeshed layering of experience. The video-poem purposefully mixes the images and text to reflect the migrant experience of maintaining an awareness of both localities, sometimes simultaneously.
Claire Rosslyn Wilson is a poet, researcher and international cultural manager, with particular interests in cultural diversity and creative expression for social change. She co-wrote Freelancing in the Creative Industries (Oxford University Press, 2015), and is the poetry editor for the human rights journal Right Now. She has also presented her creative work at a number of writers’ festivals and in 2014 she undertook a creative writing fellowship at the Wheeler Centre Melbourne. You can read more about her work here.