Isolation makes me
nervous at the edge
how will I be who
will I be without you all
I am telegraphing these feelings
to you hoping they get through
safe in your own living rooms
waving across the street
listen something terrible is swirling
under our closed windows it’s sticking
to grocery bags our unwashed hands
an array of patterned masks wait on the kitchen bench
and I’m stretched thin as linen that’s worn
at the knees to unpatched airiness
and when I look in the mirror
I am naked and afraid and
my heart is too exposed
if you look this way
you can see its precarious beating
its scarlet squeeze and push
isolation makes me slow
right down so I’m thinking about
you in front of your mirror thinking
about me and this weave
that stitches us together
even when we can’t touch
each other’s paper skin
isolation opens me
like a scalpel like a deep
dive into cold tannin-dark water
isolation makes me something different

Sharon Monagle, ‘Isolation makes me’, 2020
thinking of Fra Angelico
An ordinary girl she looks up
not to see the sky split a ripe
fruit disgorging celestial wonders but
suddenly ǁ right here in her yard a creature
neither male nor female human nor
bird toes barely touching the scuff of the ground
a coronal glow of somewhere else
somewhere not even glimpsed
warms her like hope
filling her body its secret
crevices feather and
carrying the future beneath the bones
of her chest fingers reaching up
through thrumming wingbeats of air

Sharon Mongale, ‘Alchemy’, 2016
‘Isolation makes me’ is from 2020 Shelter in Place: a year in poetry and paint, a collaborative exhibition by poet Rose Lucas and visual artist Sharon Monagle published by Liquid Amber Press, in which they reflect on their personal and shared experiences of 2020 in Melbourne. These poetic-paint conversations touch on the terrible fires of summer 2019-2020; the uncertainty of the autumn isolation; the short reprieve of winter; the lockdown of late winter into spring; and the tentative emergence and transitions of late spring into summer. It also points to ways in which crisis can lead to enrichment and reconnection.
‘Annunciation’ is from Who do I think I am? Conversations about women’s lives in poetry and paint, a collaborative exhibition by poet Rose Lucas and visual artist Sharon Monagle, published by Liquid Amber Press. The exhibition, which was to have occurred in May 2020 at Kingston Art Gallery, was a victim of COVID-19, but the volume stands alone as a vibrant exchange in the languages of words and paint — poems responding explicitly to images, and images to poems. The book speaks to some of the challenges and richness of women’s lives, as the poet and artist have known them.
Feature image: Sharon Monagle, ‘A mask for every mood’, 2020
Liquid Amber Press is holding an online poetry event, Lockdown: The Covid Long Haul, on 8th July. Register to attend at or see their Facebook page for more details.
Rose Lucas is a poet and academic at Victoria University. She has five books of poetry, her most recent being This Shuttered Eye, (Girls on Key Poetry, 2021). Her first collection, Even in the Dark (UWAP 2013) won the Mary Gilmore Award. Rose is also the founder and editor-in-chief of Liquid Amber Press. Find more at her website.