every face ever in time conceived is now displayed on the bright yellow leaves on the bright yellow ginko trees lining both sides of the highway and as I drive …
Love (Moz/Mostafa Azimitabar)
Curated by Saba Vasefi Moz (Mostafa Azimitabaris) is a Kurdish refugee who fled from troubles in his homeland and arrived in Australia in 2013. He was forcibly transferred to …
You Are Not a Burden (Damien Becker)
You Are Not a Burden (Despite (the sacrifices (carers are truly (held to ransom by (economic rationalism and (the right to (your story as …
Because Once More (Natasha Rai)
Edited by Michelle McLaren Driving to work this morning, I think about Ben. It’s been eight months since he vanished. The longest he’s ever been away. Can’t he bring himself …
Launch of Verity La Anthology No. 2 EMBODY What does it mean to be embodied in human or animal form? How does our body — its size, colour, race, gender, …
How to Fall out of a Pine Tree (Nathanael O’Reilly)
Select the tallest tree in the backyard and reach up with both hands grasp the lowest branch place your right foot against the trunk at waist-height support your weight with …
THE HOUSES THAT HOLD US: Zenobia Frost’s After the Demolition (Tony Messenger)
Review by Tony Messenger Edited by Robyn Cadwallader The house, quite obviously, is a privileged entity for a phenomenological study on the intimate values of inside space, provided, of course, …
Knives (Ben Walter)
(Edited by Laura McPhee-Browne) In our house right now the most popular show is the cooking one produced in jail. The inmates are not allowed knives which makes the whole …
The left and right side (David Ishaya Osu)
Central London: everyone seems to always be in a rush. So the right side of the escalator is perfectly convenient for me. But it’s nothing to worry about. London is …
My Ins and Outs with Closets (Patricia Dwyer)
Every spring I clean out my closet. I open the windows and enjoy a whiff of lilac, pack up suits I no longer wear, and pile up winter sweaters to …