Early memories the warm smell of ginger and spiced biscuits baking decorating them with slivered almonds and sugar ball bearings Christmas hymns waft through the house at night lounge …
Rilke was a jerk (Pseudonymous Jones)
Rilke says that dogs look so sad because they can sense the world of human meaning but know they are excluded from it. In much the same way, the reason …
At the Katz (Graham Nunn)
i. The insect that chirps here every night tonight is chirping under the bed. The insect sound is cold and constant as the rain whispering outside the …
Fistfuls of truth and heart
Now that Verity La is up and running, and 2010 is careering to its end, we thought it’s probably about time to introduce ourselves as co-editors of what has become …
FISTFULS OF TRUTH AND HEART: a few words from the blokes who look after this joint
Now that Verity La is up and running, and 2010 is careering to its end, we thought it’s probably about time to introduce ourselves as co-editors of what has become …
The Funeral (Emmett Stinson)
Delicacy has never been my particular strength, but, for all that, I don’t see how it can be said that the incident at the funeral was entirely my fault. I …
DEATH HAG: an interview with Kathy Charles
ALEC PATRIC I was walking through a provincial French town to see a famous cathedral. Within the glass pastry cabinets were dazed bees, flitting around from one cake to another, …
Song (Pseudonymous Jones)
In a dream, Batman and Bernini’s St Theresa walked on a long green carpet that stretched across a wide and empty piazza. In the distance the colonnades were filled with …
Roaches Dancing (Joran Monteiro)
the earth is dead and we are all roaches dancing on its coffin until the lights finally die and we realise, with vomit in our nostrils, that the party …
A Moment of Falling (Andrea Goldsmith)
Jack has been hopelessly in love with Ava since they met at university at the age of 18. He is now in his mid-forties. Until the meeting in the excerpt …