‘The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it’ — Oscar Wilde, The Critic as an Artist (1891) Yellow is bold, resistant and grievous. Yellow is fat with …
A thin stream of black ink (Catherine Hanrahan)
The vodka has done its job. The tremors in her hands have almost stopped. She opens the door of the flat and goes down the back stairs, feet ginger on …
What Choice (Susan McCreery)
Edited by Michelle McLaren Sour owner brings me my cup. Perhaps it’s my demeanour that provokes his demeanour. Or that fact that I am not a bat-eyed dew-skin (there goes …
Under the Corn (Emma Maguire)
I am picking soft tomatoes from the vine when I see the old woman for the first time. Our house squats stubbornly among cornfields that stretch far and flat to …
Because Once More (Natasha Rai)
Edited by Michelle McLaren Driving to work this morning, I think about Ben. It’s been eight months since he vanished. The longest he’s ever been away. Can’t he bring himself …
Knives (Ben Walter)
(Edited by Laura McPhee-Browne) In our house right now the most popular show is the cooking one produced in jail. The inmates are not allowed knives which makes the whole …
This Little House is Made of Sticks (Julie Thorndyke)
I don’t have many clothes, but the bedroom is already taken up with Liz’s things, so mine are heaped, hung or boxed. My sewing machine is on a folding table …
Pants (Lesley Boland)
I pour myself a wine from the open bottle in the ice bucket and find a seat on the outdoor lounge. To my left is a play area for the …
The View from Here (Alexandra O’Sullivan)
The scene is The Busker’s kitchen. He’s cooking and she’s watching him cook. He’s singing while he’s cooking, like he sings while he’s doing lots of things, like walking through …
The Laundromat (Diane Josefowicz)
(Edited by Laura McPhee-Browne) Once upon a time, I made a wish, an uncareful wish, in the Harder Laundromat. I wanted to throw a party for my students. Since September, …