Breakfast Table
Mama serves us coffee
at night. Not because
she wants us to stay awake.
Everyone brings a dream
to the breakfast table. Face
your food, you are
still in the room
enough not to lessen
your body. Of course
I am here anytime
to make more for you
and your friends
and the distance
between houses
is love.
Mama Said
make books
with plum
a pie
this was
how hard
light & lovely
mama said
bolts & boys
should be
i woke up from
a dream, crying
and asking for
water—last time
it was ice cream
and new papers
father bought
for my birthday
he said, build
aeroplanes and
watch your dreams
fly: the house
was quiet, the
trees were not
—when is daddy
coming back, i leaned
into mother touching
her breast as if
i forgot something
she kissed my nose
and went to the door
the rains were here
*These poems are from David’s chapbook, When I’m Eighteen, which can be downloaded here. His latest ebook, Once in a Blue Life, can be purchased here.