I tried to get back to you, tending your greenery my mother complained You water like a Pom, too stingy. when I was a child fairy limbed we planted watermelons …
The flipside of the postcard (Rachael Mead)
I love the word pristine, the naïve impossibility of it, all …
Take Two (Ariana Moulton)
For Anne Sexton, who was prescribed poetry Take two, and call me in the morning. 5 mg of metaphor and 1200 of iambic pentameter. Take with food, write each …
29 days since (Jenny Pollak)
The valve of the heart bends forward over the bones of the hill. This is how air carves the earth to claim a place it can hold. The long face …
Over olive and tin (Bilal Hafda)
I swallow this impatient country like a testament to Adam, the sun a corrugated pit, apricot rusted on my tongue we were dead men, …
First Kiss (Trixi Rosa)
My first kiss was framed by rusty corrugated iron walls and wonky wooden fences. It was sung by earth shattering sounds of passing cement-tankers. The crown of my head melting …
In Sympathy (K. S. Moore)
What you once called vixen, you now mourn — loss of her burgundy crown, loss of her tawny eyes. Her lips no longer ssh you, neither do they speak of …
These Hills Are My Ribs (Niko Boskovic)
Going Through These Motions Doesn’t Do Us Any Good, So Let’s Change the Teacher Victimization may be the most overthought term used to describe my people. But what do you …
Whose Voice? On Identity Politics and Publishing (Sangeetha Thanapal)
Diversity in publishing has come under intense scrutiny these past five years. The yawning difference between the number of white authors and authors of colour — as well as the …
No Delicate Hands (Hasti Abbasi)
The girl next to me is wearing a flimsy red scarf with a triangular fold that shields her hair. She holds her hands up, cleaning her fingernails. The teenage boy …