ALEC PATRIC I picked up your new collection, Other Stories, published recently by Black Pepper. In a word, superb. ‘Reply to a Letter’ might just be the great Australian novel …
The Chinese Lesson (Ryan O’Neill)
In the park, the old women were walking backwards. Watt waited beneath the enormous statue of a twenty metre rifle grasped in a clenched stone fist. It was as if …
Hours & Days (Susie Campbell)
Wednesday 8th September 2010 tonight i really feel like going for a swim. the pool of course is closed. most days i force myself to jump straight in, flesh …
untitled (Agnieszka Niemira)
life measured in pay cheques packed in boxes captured in pictures caught in places in music in-between life freed life lost …
A matter of balance (Vicki Thornton)
She pauses before going outside. Always she pauses. Wonders if this is good or right yet knowing it is necessary. She steps outside, shuts the door firmly behind her. Tiny …
BROW BY BROW: an interview with Ronnie Scott
KIRK MARSHALL Over the years, The Lifted Brow has come to self-ascribe its format as that of a ‘bi-annual attack journal’. What’s the plan of attack? If there’s a manifesto …
Leaving Leisureland (Miles Allinson)
When they came to the door I was in the kitchen, weighing the evidence against a fly that was trapped behind part of the open window. I could use …
SPUNC: an interview with Zoe Dattner
ALEC PATRIC A small press publisher called Russian Thought released a story called ‘The Lady with a Little Dog’ in their December issue, in 1899. A little earlier, The Russian …