Last Letter At arm’s length. A letter in a frying pan. A smoking Dear John. Slap on meat, pour over cognac, watch the veal flare. The next day a doctor …
stone beach on kos (Linda Godfrey)
echoes smack on a photograph/ show about twelve/ all standing round in their morning/ like our thoughts/ all children have to leave somewhere/ and yet fishponds reflect/ if not actual …
there is no way to repair shadows while we’re alive (Nathan Shepherdson)
i heat the stone until its eye opens invite its callus-scraped duct to extrude lava in sentences memory magma pushes through an axial sleeve from a thousand miles down to …
The Artistry of the Amputee Dancer (Lawrence Shapiro)
Darting eyes flicker back and forth across a barren stage The gazelle prance in rapid motion One lower extremity present One lower extremity absent Shock waves at the barren amputee …
The Come Down (Kerri Shying)
Choosing Earring swishing fell from favour when the big fake ear vaginas started to get stretched in all good ears round town a whole damn generation missing the sensation of …
Spirit Maps: Cycles of Renewal (Juno Gemes & Robert Adamson)
Juno Gemes: I searched for a printer in photogravure for over twenty years before finding master printer Lothar Ostenberg. The photogravure process, which sees photographs etched into copper and printed …
Deadspeak (Jennifer Liston)
Deadspeak Lycanthrope It’s that time of the month again: time to open the lowest drawer of the dustiest dresser. Sit awhile. Gaze at gauze enfolding precious. Peel it back, fingers …
The Dilemma of Job, or Hope into the Wilderness (henry 7 reneau, jr)
The Great Migration is the parable of dispossession pursuing a Northern star. Leaving rock-salted sorrow to come to terms with dignity deferred. Leaving hate, too long in place, that had …
Portrait of a Departed Lady (Amanda Anastasi)
Funeral plans: a wall crypt underneath her mother’s; pink roses on the pew ends. A house-size increase upon the exodus of children, husband, friends, dissention. Her disdain for the coverings …
Dissociative Mythology (Eleanor Claire)
lie to me tell me you always / knew my karst / topography, my limestone bones / tell me you seduced from me / the cyphers to my unbecoming / …