For the commuters facing long delays and for the woman raped, allegedly, whose breasts were checked for DNA and for the one year old whose brain was rattled like a …
Ridley Scott’s Alien with Moth (Benjamin Dodds)
Ridley Scott’s Alien with Moth ride …
Whorls: Three poems by Ariel Riveros Pavez
Shellform spiralling to the infinity of a hermit living inside you home for aqueome little thumbling by shore pod for crustacean exemplary exploration and I take you to my ear …
The Sleepwalker (Justin Lowe)
on the tacit understanding that you will not repeat this to anyone, Artemis walked with me for a while, in the early days when the fire still burned. dust and …
Extracts From a Liar’s Notebook (David Adès)
If you tell the lie, tell it slant but with a direct gaze, with utter conviction, tell it as if you believe it is truth, again and again – and …
Orison for Sheet Music Stores in the American Mid-West (Gregory Horne)
after Kurt Sepmeier’s reading of Michael Drayton’s ‘Since There’s No Help’ * The gasp ‘last!’ long-distance-wise largely because of our situations, po- tentially we knew it was futile and all …
The Hard Earth (Heather Taylor Johnson)
There is a mountain, my son, between us and from this side, here at the bottom where I am dressed appropriately in morning robe, where house mice scurry under the …
Riding back in the dusk (Anne M Carson)
Malmsbury, Victoria There’s no black like the black of trees silhouetted against sunset; matt, boot-black black. Baked-on Bakelite black, back-lit by the sky’s citrus tones – mandarin, orange and lemon …
fuel oxygen ignition (Alice Allan)
you’ve mellowed quite a bit your tinsel compliment a night in the country all grown up standing under a floodlight watching hundreds of winged hopefuls fling themselves at the whitegold …
Greek Summer (Nathanael O’Reilly)
For Tricia On the road from Patras to Corinth, I piss in petrol station toilets paved with marble, eat lamb, potatoes, tomatoes and feta, break bread worthy of dreams. In …