The Sydney Morning Herald recently acknowledged Verity La as an ‘increasingly influential’ literary journal, and indeed, Verity La has been evolving since its inception eighteen months ago. We’ve published 100 writers, interviewed scores of eminent writers, artists and thinkers, and achieved the attention of the National Library of Australia.
The next step is an upgrade of our site. Verity La is now a domain, which means less limitations and more creative freedom in how we bring you content.
Our aim is to keep what’s great about Verity La – a clean but eye-catching site that maximises readability – while making the right improvements so we stay fresh and vibrant. The next few weeks and months will see Verity La explore design possibilities, integrating video content, and personalising all elements of our presentation.
Verity La will continue to develop as a forum for writers dedicated to bravely pushing online literature forward, and we hope you’ll come along with us. As we improve and expand we are looking to include more creative input, so if you think you’d like to contribute to Verity La as a designer, writer, or indeed as an involved reader, we’d love to hear from you.
Alec and Nigel
Verity La