10 professional dreamers do not show their ideas to just anyone no professional dreamers do not boast of their plans to unbelievers professional dreamers put on their black skirts and …
Wings (Jasmine Ledesma)
Report Summary patient is twenty years old / hair curled with cherry stems / speaks fast as divorce / hasn’t slept in three days / patient answers questions with more …
Take Two (Ariana Moulton)
For Anne Sexton, who was prescribed poetry Take two, and call me in the morning. 5 mg of metaphor and 1200 of iambic pentameter. Take with food, write each …
Hypomanic Satori Behind the Wheel (James Redfern)
every face ever in time conceived is now displayed on the bright yellow leaves on the bright yellow ginko trees lining both sides of the highway and as I drive …
Dr. Flesh (Elizabeth Kirschner)
Edited by Alise Blayney & Michele Seminara People are harder than birds. They squawk more and it is an unlovely sound, like a sawed-in-half snore. The light in the asylum …
My Suspect Friend, Anxiety (Joel Ephraims)
The Pharmacy on Hospital Hill I observe the surroundings of this place where I come to make sense. The colour opulence of the glittering cars of buyers of subsidized drugs, …
Causes (An Jin)
Tram Accident tram driver tells me I’m going to die I think about being a mess they can’t get out of the tracks I think about delays on the line …
My Mother (Taylor Croteau)
I am the same age my mother was when she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I am the same age my mother was the first time she tried to kill me. …
A Tuesday with Two Heads
(Jayne Fenton Keane)
Last Letter At arm’s length. A letter in a frying pan. A smoking Dear John. Slap on meat, pour over cognac, watch the veal flare. The next day a doctor …
The Tea Ceremony (Indigo Perry)
Once, after he’d confessed to another indiscretion, she got up and ran from the riverbank. When she reached the highway, she slowed down and walked, heartbeat steady by the time …