lie to me tell me you always / knew my karst / topography, my limestone bones / tell me you seduced from me / the cyphers to my unbecoming / …
Triage (Rebecca Jessen)
the kind lady on the end of the line will say this: I have to ask. in the present you wait. yes, I was thirteen, only the one time. yes, …
Antithesis (Michelle Hartman)
Antithesis I am reading Mark Strand’s poem about a man in his bedroom clipping pieces of his body away while he lays there and hums the part of me that …
Mr. Hyde’s Lament (Beth Gordon)
Mr. Hyde’s Lament I survived radiation poisoning, religious crimes, crawled from under a rock to weather paperwork the consistency of thickly polluted waves, learned to swim with seeping wounds, learned …
Paean to a 1996 Psychotic Breakdown (Ariel Riveros Pavez)
Endless digging like a clown in any Shakespeare play. When psuche realised that she breathed with the plant time became a taught rope of sense and nonsense and happiness and …
The Gentle Art of Releasing (Janette Dadd)
(Edited by Alise Blayney & Tim Heffernan) Bones You’re in my dreams now. I can’t get rid of you. …
Professional Conduct
(Phillip Hall)
Professional Conduct After Jan Senbergs, ‘Otway Night’ With all the swagger of Buckley’s and none I bark my soprano cacophony, like a howling jackass, anchoring a calling to be needed, …
How to Knit a Human (Anna Jacobson)
Cravings I don’t wear a watch in hospital. I count time by meals. A nurse hands me a Milky Way bar after ECT. I hold it in my lap; look …
The Suit (Gabrielle Everall)
(edited by Tim Heffernan & Alise Blayney) When she sees people working, she feels like an asshole. She thinks of the construction workers and how hard their job is, but …
Irradiate Me (Bruce Saunders)
(edited by Tim Heffernan & Alise Blayney) 20:20 My world is controlled By numbers I see them everywhere Like some numerologist Or lost mathematician Descartes with his planar thought I’m …