Inside me is stuff I’m not sure anyone can explain. Each day another statistic dances as a testament to clickbait and big Pharma. So what are all my chemicals doing …
Sarah T (Liam Ferney)
I bring you back Cathay. That’s what Cathy says off the plane from Denpasar. A bottle of Piper on my bed waiting for you while you outwait an Operations Manager’s …
Papi Pichón (Dimitri Reyes)
papi pichón flies out of my library book and no one hears him because he chirps at spanish-to-english dictionary speed. all dismiss papi’s beautiful wings a sabre, a grindstone attached …
Measure (Eileen Chong)
Everything we write will be used against us or against those we love. ‘North American Time’, Adrienne Rich The innocence of cornflowers — a dimpled, wheel-thrown cup. Glazed on the inside. …
Triage (Rebecca Jessen)
the kind lady on the end of the line will say this: I have to ask. in the present you wait. yes, I was thirteen, only the one time. yes, …
Earth Apples of Modern Love and Mushrooms (Julie Maclean)
after Marina Abramovic at MOMA They are lying again about Putin’s hacking I return to tears rolling face to face hungry for the strange one to look deep for longer …
Parentheses (Shastra Deo)
stitch our disunion into the gutshot —split my belly, suture. spare me your hand and bandage. kneel: your thighs bracket my hips as you etymologise me. anatomy of my …
Shop girl (Bronwyn Lovell)
if you are waiting for the right girl the really truly special one who blows your mind and cock and the girl shop doesn’t have her in yet you can …
Burning the donkey (PS Cottier)
Burning the donkey We were suspicious from the start. What decent man brings a wife pregnant as a pudding into a new country, unless he wants the child to be …
of home and other closely guarded things (Justine Poon)
grandmother. dawn begins a golden thread circling the dark earth and coils us back from dreams like deep sea divers inside diving bells breaching surface, breath-fog …