He cradles it, tender as any Mary ever caught in stained-glass web. Injury does not scream, but purrs, a kitten formed from bandages, rocked in the player’s embrace. Tender as …
Master of the Ghost Dreaming (Graham Akhurst)
A bloodied sunset reminds us That ghosts come from the ocean in the dark They bellow on trumpets And greedily watch sails flex Drawing them closer They leave their dreaming …
The Burden of Wings (David Adès)
At first, everything was blurred, beyond comprehension. Testing, I hovered above, taking in a new perspective, strange, troubling. I watched myself retreat, backed into a corner, on my knees, in …
Notes for a Small Revolution (Raphael Kabo)
One. Turn on the halogen lamps. See: The shed fills with light so golden You could knit it into a story. Happyeverafter fairytale where the prince Always marries his prince …
A BOX OF MATCHES (Mark William Jackson)
(Edited by Stuart Barnes) once I bought a box of matches because someone said it was art but regardless of what you call it it’s a box of firesticks …
Taxi! (Brenda Saunders) & Transformative Progress (Barbara Nicholson)
Taxi! by Brenda Saunders I met her at the lights with six plastic bags Food bought at Woollies with a Salvo’s card making for the taxis on Pitt and Park …
The Special (David Stavanger)
the Psychiatrist the Psychiatrist can sign you away the Psychiatrist can give you a script or several pills depending on the diagnosis pills to start having an erection again pills …
The Flu Hour (Douglas Luman)
At the note of an owl’s hoot, a field mouse is made into a packet for its suffering. & here I set to nonsense, boiling a house worth of …
Bit By Bloody Bit (David Adès)
Bitten once bitten a second time I averted my face …
Three Poems for Ariel (Justin Lowe)
Parvenu like all self-made men I carry the hallmark of earlier experiments. cavernous days, ghosts rattling their chains in my pocket, the haunted smile of a man caught rifling through …