1 My father is not yet dead. People who knew him say there is a likeness in this drawing. I can still see him breathing, can you? I still …
THE BOUYANCY OF COURAGE: an interview with Francesca Rendle-Short
Some people are too good to be true, and Francesca Rendle-Short is one of those people, but she is true, as in real, and here she is, in conversation with …
DISTURBING DIALOGUES: an interview with Kuzhali Manickavel
ALEC PATRIC You have warned me not to ask you what life in India is like. I wouldn’t even have thought to ask you that, but I must confess, you’ve …
Love and its needs (Ernest Williamson III)
Artist Statement: Love is not merely an emotion; it is a continuous lifeline which nurtures and edifies the soul of the biosphere. The works displayed in this publication illustrates …
TEMPLE OF LITERATURE: an interview with Ruby J Murray
ALEC PATRIC Some of us grow up with a sense of crisis. We have a persistent feeling that there’s a looming catastrophe that we need to respond to in whatever …
Maps to Jakarta (Ruby J Murray)
Living Without a Map I’ve always been proud of my sense of direction. I like that it only takes me once to walk a street and know it. And …
Rage with Exactitude (Emily Manger)
not your usual red sleeves-rolled-up angry a purple angry angry that wears pearls and lipstick perhaps a deep maroon not stamping feet on the floor but nails on the …
ALEC PATRIC Alice Gage created and edits Ampersand, a biannual literary journal deeply informed by visual art. I’ve always been interested in these intersections of text and image. Cinema’s moving images have …
(Agnieszka Niemira)
through the sound of snow chochoły* dancing in my past in my future (* Stanisław Wyspiański ‘Wesele’)
Blood (Simonne Michelle-Wells)
After twelve years of marriage his fishing hat, which sits forgotten on my armoire, is all that remains. The house creaks and groans, trying to establish a new order. The …