(edited by Ramon Loyola & Michele Seminara) Proof of Life By Mark William Jackson If asked for proof of identity I can pull a card from my sacred wallet that …
A BOX OF MATCHES (Mark William Jackson)
(Edited by Stuart Barnes) once I bought a box of matches because someone said it was art but regardless of what you call it it’s a box of firesticks …
Peaks from Start to Finish: Blemish Books' Triptych Poets Issue Three
Review by Mark William Jackson A year ago I was sitting here telling you about Triptych Poets Issue 2 from the good people at Blemish Books. I told you about …
Evolution of a Kind (Mark William Jackson)
How do we rule? In words derived from Latin? Whispers from a dead tongue? Rolling with the punches, crippled by the lunches, feasts of fat men suffering in …
Infused in Words: Emilie Collyer's Your Looking Eyes
Review by Mark William Jackson I’m not sure how I feel about the Australian Poetry Café Poet Program. On the one hand any publicity that poets and poetry receives is …
Mark William Jackson reviews Your Looking Eyes by Emilie Collyer
I’m not sure how I feel about the Australian Poetry Café Poet Program. On the one hand any publicity that poets and poetry receives is a good thing; on the …
Vox: MARK WILLIAM JACKSON The Verity La Forum was conducted by Alec Patric from July 2011 to December 2011 Forum Question: A New Archaeology I’ve been assisting with the selection …
Thoroughly modern poets in triptych: review by Mark William Jackson
On my bookshelves, after my chronologically ordered issues of Overland, Meanjin, Going Down Swinging etc., after my poetry collections, alphabetised by poet’s surname, sit the anthologies in no particular order …
Thoroughly Modern Poets in Triptych: Blemish Books' Triptych Poets Issue Two
Review by Mark William Jackson On my bookshelves, after my chronologically ordered issues of Overland, Meanjin, Going Down Swinging etc., after my poetry collections, alphabetised by poet’s surname, sit the …
Candles (Mark William Jackson)
The first candle she lit was for Poppy. She doesn’t remember much about the old man. She remembers a baritone hum and the smell of tobacco. And she remembers being …
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