Burning the donkey We were suspicious from the start. What decent man brings a wife pregnant as a pudding into a new country, unless he wants the child to be …
PS COTTIER: Podcast Producer Alice Allan and Managing Editor Michele Seminara get straight into it with Canberra-based poet PS Cottier. Does entering and judging literary competitions put you on a special …
Thy poetry and thy pathos—all so strange! (PS Cottier)
The found poem hates the way the egregious disruptions of fashion have shaped his hideous form; a misshapen picaresque, he lurches. He is angry as blackbirds in a pie croaking …
100 holes in my bucket (PS Cottier)
I will never: 1. Bungee, shouting yolo 2. Use the acronym yolo, except in this poem 3. Scuba at sea (it feels like choking even in the swimming pool) 4. …
My Stalker (PS Cottier)
See her reflected in those shop windows? Mumbling grey granny, disrespected elder, spectacled and zimmered, inching so fast, faster than she should. Faster than breath. Ninja quiet now, with crochet …
All the blond Jesuses (intriguing new poetry from the extra-clever and wonderfully unique PS Cottier)
You see them wriggle free of windows, lithe as silver fish, but golden-haired. These Jesuses, blond sons of blond Marys, head out the door to play cricket, with leather and …
Australia’s Conflict of Values over Live Exports: P.S. Cottier reviews Backlash by Bidda Jones & Julian Davies
Review by P.S. Cottier As I was reading Backlash, the NSW State Liberal Government and the ACT Labor (with a dash of Green) Government announced that they would both abolish …
Carrying an injury (Penelope Cottier)
He cradles it, tender as any Mary ever caught in stained-glass web. Injury does not scream, but purrs, a kitten formed from bandages, rocked in the player’s embrace. Tender as …
LOOKING UP ELEPHANTS' TESTICLES: an interview with P.S. Cottier
P.S. Cottier, also known as PS Cottier, also known as Penelope Cottier, is a poet and short story writer who lives in Canberra, the national capital of Australia. Her book …
Launch of Verity La Anthology No. 2 EMBODY What does it mean to be embodied in human or animal form? How does our body — its size, colour, race, gender, …
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