The scene is The Busker’s kitchen. He’s cooking and she’s watching him cook. He’s singing while he’s cooking, like he sings while he’s doing lots of things, like walking through …
VERITY LA POETRY PODCAST Episode 14: Disrupting the (Dis)Ableist Narrative
QPF 2019: In this episode of the Verity La Poetry Podcast, Verity La Managing Editor Michele Seminara is joined at the 2019 Queensland Poetry Festival by poet Andy Jackson and …
The Cherry Picker’s Daughter (Melissa Lucashenko)
A tribute to the late Kerry Reed-Gilbert given by Melissa Lucashenko at the launch of Aunty Kerry’s memoir, The Cherry Picker’s Daughter, at the Avid Reader Bookshop in Brisbane on …
On Leaving Iran (Rebecca Ruth Gould)
The plane ascends. Women disrobe, crossing into Turkey’s airspace. Their hair cascades like waterfalls. I lift my skirt to let my legs breathe. So much sin is compressed between my …
Changing the Map: On Rape Culture in Australia (Julianne Negri)
Edited by Kathryn Hummel ‘We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change.’ — Ursula Le Guin Predawn. I like …
HOME, LAND AND LONGING: Tangea Tansley’s A Question of Belonging
Reviewed by Carmel Bendon Edited by Robyn Cadwallader Between 1976 and 1992 the country of Mozambique was torn asunder by civil war as the Frelimo nationalist movement fought for independence …
MEN OF A TIME AND PLACE: an interview with Nigel Featherstone
Nigel Featherstone is a well-known and well-loved writer in the Australian literary community. Author of critically-acclaimed novel, Remnants (Pandanus Books, 2005), three novellas — The Beach Volcano (2014), I’m Ready …
Cartography (Paul Hetherington)
Cartography 1. The width of our expression was never as wide as the ocean. The depth we knew rarely troubled the lantern fish. Yet your hands were waves, absorbed in …
The Laundromat (Diane Josefowicz)
(Edited by Laura McPhee-Browne) Once upon a time, I made a wish, an uncareful wish, in the Harder Laundromat. I wanted to throw a party for my students. Since September, …
2019 QPF Philip Bacon Ekphrasis Award Winners
Queensland Poetry Festival’s Philip Bacon Ekphrasis Award, now in its fifth year, is named after one of Australia’s premier art dealers, Philip Bacon. All the paintings used in the competition …