1. The fish and the bag (0’ 51”) Underwater shot of a whale shark swimming alongside a plastic bag. Graphic: The Gulf of Tadjoura, near Djibouti. The plastic bag twists and shimmers. …
A Kind of Burden (Saddiq Dzukogi)
Silence like emptiness, is reciprocal when you speak against a wall, knowing …
Origami (Mauricio Palazzo)
Translated by Toshiya Kamei Edited by Kathryn Hummel The work at Gaspanic consisted of waiting tables, preparing drinks, making pizzas and hot dogs, receiving payments, making chitchat at the bar, …
if you came tapping at the window (Ali Whitelock)
Artist’s Statement I was in Scotland a few years ago when my father died unexpectedly. That night a thick fog descended. When I went to bed I was suddenly (weirdly …
The Give (Indigo Perry)
It’s the give of the earth: a shifting of clods under her running feet. Most of the children’s graves in the cemetery are marked with stones with names and dates …
THE COURAGE TO LOVE: Amanda Hickey reviews Bodies of Men by Nigel Featherstone
Review by Amanda Hickey Edited by Robyn Cadwallader What is it about war that can rapidly bring men to the point of love? In their everyday lives they may have …
Dhalbin Yinaargal
(Michelle Vlatkovic)
Yinaargal come together by a fire burning eurah and sandalwood. Smoke fans away distractions that distance us. Each one of us silently places a small branch in the fire. Letting …
The nature of loss
(Audrey Molloy)
Widow-makers, they call your boughs that plunge without warning, crush soft bodies beneath. Yet I know you are not death but grief’s balled fist come down. For seven years I decompose below your …
The Smoke from Burning Bridges (Jennifer Compton)
(Edited by Kathryn Hummel) What did he do after he had pressed his ultimate Send at 1-49 am? Weep, pray, rant? Reach for a bottle? Rush into the street? Lie …
Braided Veins
(Raymond Luczak)
Braided Veins as we grow up as twins youd speculate this or that bully would probably grow to be bald & fat i would laugh at the notion saying it …