(edited by Laura McPhee-Browne) 1. Exsanguination. Ex – out of. Sanguis – blood. To bleed out. 2. It takes up to fifteen minutes to bleed out. 3. Felix Baumgartner fell …
The Health Inspectors Part II*
(Anthony Macris)
(from an untitled novel in progress) Later that night, lying in bed, he hears his parents arguing. The tongue-and-groove walls, muffling their voices make it impossible for him to hear …
Black on White (Yi Chao Foong)
(edited by Laura McPhee Browne) Black on white. That’s how people see us. A splotch of black, spoiling the virgin white. It is my good fortune to have him, they …
These Things I Know (K W George)
I know things about this man. I first met him seventeen years ago when he removed a BCC from the right side of my forehead. That time I had staples …
Lifeguard (Grace Finlayson)
On Tuesday afternoon, two weeks into the summer holidays, I watched the old women swim laps of the 50-metre pool. Up and down the lanes they went, swimming freestyle and …
In the Palm of Her Hand (Katie Monteleone)
Megan is small. Megan is born six weeks early and Megan is small enough to rest in the palm of her mother’s hand. Megan is small enough to ride on …
The Cry Room (Gaele Sobott)
Birth I just slipped out she said. Like a slip of the tongue, slipshod, a slip stitch forever unknitted. I was born. Slippery, sibilant, small in the scheme of everyday …
The Health Inspectors – Part One (Anthony Macris)
(from an untitled novel in progress) He lies on the worn lino of the living room floor, waiting for his favourite TV show to begin. The room is dark; he …
Canjeera (Deb Wain)
The house is early-morning quiet when Khadro wakes. Light leaks into the room; the moon glows through the poorly curtained window. Nightmares of her past have followed her across borders, …
The Art of Leaving (Miki Laval)
(Edited by Laura McPhee-Browne) The man who opens the front door is naked except for the towel around his hips. He seems surprised to see her and takes a quick …