Sea Country (Sophie Finlay)

wax and wane deep in the trench ancient reefs lie submerged — their skeletons remember when the cryosphere stretched taut over continents these drowned cities gleam grey like marcasite — …

Bug pond (Carl Walsh)

Algae rusts the surface Daring us to become water treaders and step A water boatman sculls over the water — Charon ferrying dead souls Of needlebugs and backswimmers  In absentia, …

Unnerved (Jan Dean)

A Robert Dickerson Survey, Newcastle Art Gallery, 2019 Huge skies, rivers, oceans and lakes are liquid sails of aqua and ultramarine floating me past a type of humanity; tourists who …

Bildungsroman (Jen Webb)

A history of speech I like a door that sounds decisive when you close it a child who knows precisely when to hang up the phone the historian who discourses …